Committees for the Speech-Language Pathology & Audiology & Hearing Aid Dispensers Board
Standing Committee composition and leadership are determined by the Board President and are fully within the scope of the Open Meetings Act. Standing Committee meetings are often held in conjunction with regularly scheduled Board Meetings.
SLP PRACTICE COMMITTEE Addresses changes in practice patterns and recommends position statements and/or scope of practice amendments for consideration. |
Name | Position | Profession |
Gilda Dominguez | Chair | SLP |
VACANT | Member | SLP |
Tamara Chambers | Member | ORL/Public |
AUDIOLOGY PRACTICE COMMITTEE Addresses changes in practice patterns and recommends position statements and/or scope of practice amendments for consideration. |
Name | Position | Profession |
Amy White | Chair | DAU |
Charles Sanders | Member | DAU |
Tamara Chambers | Member | ORL/Public |
Karen Chang | Member | Public |
HEARING AID DISPENERS PRACTICE COMMITTEE Addresses changes in practice patterns and recommends position statements and/or scope of practice amendments for consideration. |
Name | Position | Profession |
Tod Borges | Chair | HAD |
VACANT | Member | HAD |
Karen Chang | Member | Public |
HEARING AID DISPENSING COMMITTEE Provides policy and regulatory guidance with respect to hearing aid dispensing practices and recommends scope of practice amendments for consideration. |
Name | Position | Profession |
Tod Borges | Chair | HAD |
VACANT | Member | HAD |
Charles Sanders | Member | DAU |
Amy White | Member | DAU |
Tamara Chambers | Member | ORL/Public |
Ad Hoc Committees may be established by the Board President as needed. Composition and leadership will be appointed by the Board President. Ad Hoc Committees may include the appointment of non-Board members at the Board President's discretion. Ad Hoc Committees are not fully within the scope of the Open Meetings act, however all recommendations made by Ad Hoc Committees must be reviewed and voted on by the Board in a public Board Meeting.
SUNSET REVIEW AD HOC COMMITTEE Develop for the Board's review the Board's Sunset Review Report to the California Legislature |
Name | Position | Profession |
Gilda Dominguez | Chair | SLP |
Amy White | Member | DAU |
ENFORCEMENT AD HOC COMMITTEE Review and recommend to the Board proposed revisions to the laws, regulations, and policies related to the Board's enforcement of the Boards Practice Act. |
Name | Position | Profession |
Gilda Dominguez | Chair | SLP |
Tod Borges | Member | HAD |
LEGISLATIVE AD HOC COMMITTEE Review and recommend to the Board proposed positions on legislation impacting the Board, its licensees, and the Board's Practice Act |
Name | Position | Profession |
Karen Chang | Chair | Public |
Gilda Dominguez | Member | SLP |
DAU - Dispensing Audiologist
SLP - Speech-Language Pathologist
ORL/ENT - Otolaryngologist/Ear, Nose & Throat
HAD - Hearing Aid Dispenser
AU - Dispensing Audiologist