Proposed Regulations


The proposed changes repeal sections 1399.113 and 1399.151.1 and amend sections 1399.141, 1399.153.2, 1399.160.6, 1399.170.4, and 1399.170.13 of Title 16 of the California Code of Regulations (CCR).

This proposed regulation will remove processing times related to hearing aid dispensers in CCR section 1399.113 and related to speech-language pathology and audiology in section 1399.151.1, delete any reference to CCR sections 1399.113 or 1399.151.1, and remove any other processing times specified in regulations.

Public comments relevant to the proposed changes should be submitted to the “Contact Person” listed in the Notice of Proposed Regulatory Action no later than Tuesday, April 29, 2025.

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