Hearing Aid Dispensers Continuing Education Requirements
Hearing Aid Dispensers are required to complete at least twelve (12) hours of continuing education (CE) per renewal period from courses approved by the Board pursuant to the California Code of Regulations section 1399.141. Board approved courses can find at http://www.speechandhearing.ca.gov/forms_pubs/cecourses.pdf
Continuing education is subject to the following requirements and/or restrictions:
CE Course Delivery Type Restrictions
CE Course Type | Maximum Hours Allowed |
Live courses Courses taken in–person or interactive courses offered via electronic media where the course affords participants the opportunity to interact with an instructor, other course participants, or both. |
All hours or up to the number of hours not completed through self–study courses. |
Self–study courses Courses that do not offer participants the opportunity to interact with an instructor or other course participants during the course of instruction, Examples include pre–recorded courses, home study materials, and non–interactive computer courses. |
No more than six (6) hours per renewal period. |
CE Course Content Requirements or Restrictions
CE Course Content | Maximum Hours Allowed |
Indirect patient/client care courses. Indirect patient/client care courses cover practical aspects of hearing aid dispensing (e.g., legal or ethical issues which shall include the ethics of advertising and marketing, consultation, record–keeping, office management, and managed care issues). Related to the practice of hearing aid dispensing courses. Courses related to the practice of hearing aid dispensing cover general health conditions or educational course offerings including, but not limited to, social interaction, cultural and linguistic diversity as it applies to service delivery for diverse populations, service delivery models, interdisciplinary case management issues, or medical pathologies that also result in hearing difficulties. |
No more than four (4) hours per renewal period, can be self–study or live. |
Courses related to equipment, devices, or other products Courses related to equipment, devices, or other products must be related to benefitting a client's hearing and functional use of the equipment, device, or product such as the fitting, programming, and troubleshooting equipment, devices, or other products. |
No more than six (6) hours per renewal period, can be self–study or live. |
Participating in Board–sponsored examination development or administration related functions. | Two (2) hours for each day of service. No more than four (4) hours per renewal period. These count as live hours. |
Participating in the occupational analysis. | Two (2) hours per renewal period. These count as self–study hours. |
Courses on marketing, launching, or demonstrating the marketability of equipment, devices, or other products regardless of whether it focuses on a particular manufacturer's or company's equipment, devices, or products. | None |
Courses on personal finances and business matters, marketing and sales, and office operations that are not for the benefit of the consumer. | None |
Educational courses required as a condition of probation or order of abatement for a citation and fine. | None |
Record Keeping Requirements
The Board has the right to audit the records of any licensee to verify the completion of continuing education pursuant to the California Code of Regulations section 1399.140(c). Licensees shall provide records upon request of the Board. All licensees shall maintain records of completion for a minimum of two years beyond the date of the license renewal in which was course was earned in accordance with the California Code of Regulations section 1399.140(b).
If you do not complete the required continuing education by your license expiration date, you may place your license on inactive status. You must cease practice with an inactive license. To place your license on inactive status, submit your renewal form and renewal fee to the Board at the time of your renewal. To reactivate your license, you must submit the Request for Reactivation of License and provide proof of completing the required continuing education: http://www.speechandhearing.ca.gov/forms_pubs/reactivate.pdf
CE Exemption Requests
Exemptions from the continuing education requirement may be approved by the Board for any of the following reasons:
- Licensee was called to active duty as defined in Business and Professions Code section 114.3 for any amount of time;
- Licensee resided in another country for at least one year; or
- During the licensee's previous renewal period, the licensee or an immediate family member, where
the licensee has primary responsibility for the care of that family member, was suffering from
or suffered a disability. A disability is a physical or mental impairment that substantially
limits one or more of the major life activities of an individual. The disability shall be
verified by a licensed physician or psychologist with special expertise in the area of
disability. Verification of the disability shall include:
- the nature and extent of the disability;
- an explanation of how the disability hinders the licensee from completing the continuing education requirement; and
- the name, title, address, telephone number, professional license or certification number, and original signature of the licensed physician or psychologist verifying the disability.
For an exemption, submit a written request and your supporting documentation to the Board. If granted, exemption will be valid only for the current renewal period.