Renewal Information

We strongly encourage all renewal applicants to submit renewal applications upon receipt of the renewal notice. This notice is sent to the licensee's address of record approximately 90 days in advance of the license's expiration date. If you do not receive your renewal notice you may renew online or download the manual renewal notice located on this page under Renewal Forms or the Board's website under forms and publications tab. Prior to mailing your renewal application, please verify that you have completed the renewal application correctly.

Renewing online is the fastest and easiest way to renew. A complete renewal application sent well in advance of the license's expiration date will provide licensees the best opportunity to avoid any lapses in licensure that may affect their current employment. For online renewals, please allow 48 hours for processing. For paper renewals, please allow a minimum of 6 weeks for processing renewal applications.

Please be aware that your renewal is not complete until the Board has fully processed your renewal. This includes, but is not limited to, cashiering the check and making sure the application is complete.

Due to the delay in processing, even though your renewal may be postmarked before the expiration date, your renewal is not complete until the Board has processed your application. Postmarking your renewal before your expiration date ensures you will not be subject to a delinquency fee, it does not guarantee your renewal will be processed before your expiration date. Be sure to submit your renewal far enough in advance of your expiration date to allow for processing time, however, please do not submit your renewal more than 90 days prior to your expiration date. If your license expires, you may not practice.

Renewal Frequency

Speech-Language Pathologist 2 Years Last day of birth month
Audiologist 2 Years Last day of birth month
Dispensing Audiologist 1 Year Last day of issue month
Speech Language Pathology Assistant 2 Years Last day of birth month
Aides NA NA
Required Professional Experience NA NA
Speech-Language Pathologist - Temporary Once, for 6 months NA
Audiologist - Temporary Once, for 6 months NA
Professional Development Provider 2 Years Last day of issue month
Hearing Aid Dispenser 1 Year Last day of issue month
Hearing Aid Dispenser Trainee - Temporary 6 Months Two 6 month renewals
Branch - Hearing Aid Dispenser & Dispensing Audiologist 1 Year Last day of issue month of the dispenser's license

Renewal Forms

Click here to pay your renewal online using your credit/debit card.

Manual Renewal Forms

If your license is currently in an inactive status and you would like to place it back onto active status, click here for the Reactivation Form.

What Delays Your Renewal

Renewing online is the fastest and easiest way to renew. Online renewals can be processed in as little as 24 – 48 hours. The most frequent cause of delay in processing a manual renewal form is an incomplete renewal application and not allowing the Board 6-8 weeks to process.

Be sure to double-check that the renewal form is complete. Before mailing, ensure that the continuing education and conviction declaration questions are answered.

Submit renewal applications immediately upon receipt of the renewal notice.

licensee notices


Effective July 1, 2012, the Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology and Hearing Aid Dispensers Board is required to deny an application for licensure and to suspend the license/certificate/registration of any applicant or licensee who has outstanding tax obligations due to the Franchise Tax Board (FTB) or the California Department of Tax and Fee Administration (CDTFA) of any applicant or licensee who has outstanding tax obligations due to the Franchise Tax Board (FTB) or the California Department of Tax and Fee Administration (CDTFA) and appears on either the FTB or CDTFA certified lists of top 500 tax delinquencies over $100,000. (AB 1424, Perea, Chapter 455, Statutes of 2011)

Once it has been determined that an applicant or a licensee is on a certified list, the applicant or licensee has 90 days from the issuance of a preliminary notice of suspension to either satisfy all outstanding tax obligations or enter into a payment installment program with the FTB or CDTFA. Any such person who fails to come into compliance will have his/her license denied or suspended until the Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology and Hearing Aid Dispensers Board receives a release from the FTB or CDTFA. The form for requesting a release will be included with the preliminary notice of suspension.

The law prohibits the Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology and Hearing Aid Dispensers Board from refunding any money paid for the issuance or renewal of a license where the license is denied or suspended as required by AB 1424.

The FTB and CDTFA are currently expanding the certified lists from 250 to 500, but you can check if you are currently on the FTB's certified list or the CDTFA certified list. If you believe you are on either list in error, please call the FTB at (866) 418-3702.

Social Security Number Requirement

Disclosure of a licensee or registrant's Social Security Number (SSN) is mandatory. The SSN will be used for tax enforcement purposes, for purposes of compliance with any judgment or order for family support, or for verification of licensure or examination status by a licensing or examination entity which utilizes a national examination and where licensure is reciprocal with the requesting state.

Failure to disclose a SSN will prevent issuance of a renewal license or registration.

Family Support Program

The Department of Consumer Affairs is working with the Department of Social Services, as well as other appropriate agencies, to administer the State Licensing Match System Program. This program prohibits the issuance and renewal of a permanent professional license to individuals who are delinquent in their court-ordered child support payments. In place of the permanent license, a 150-day temporary license or registration may be issued.